Escrito por: Dulce Ortiz 🇬🇹

Headshot of Abigail Escobar (Diana Rivera)
Abigail Escobar, a proud first-generation student and mother, is eager to graduate from the University of Maryland with a degree in hearing and speech sciences. Sus hijos, Avianna y Atreus, y su esposo le han inspirado a perseguir una carrera. Escobar es un lindo ejemplo de que cuando uno no se da por vencido, cualquier cosa es posible.
Escobar es hija de papás mexicanos y creció en El Paso, Texas. Despite living in a single-parent household following the incarceration of her father and experiencing different hardships throughout her childhood, including exposure to substance abuse and neglect, she remains thankful to both of her parents for giving her the best childhood they could have offered.
At age 20, Escobar had her first child. Though she admits that the experience made her grow up fast, her daughter was also the inspiration behind and start of seeking what she wanted to achieve in life.
Escobar quiso estudiar las ciencias del habla y la audición después de haber tenido experiencias personales con el tema. Comenzando cuando era niña y tuvo que navegar como hablar con su papá a través de su impedimento vocal, y tener que criar a su hija reconociendo el retraso en su desarrollo oral, ella supo que quería continuar en una carrera que le permitía a hacer un impacto a las comunidades que trabajaba con.
“I have gotten to recollect myself and learn to let go of those things [adverse childhood experiences] and look at them as, you know, a beautiful part of me and hopefully be an inspiration that anything is possible.”
Escobar said that UMD was a privilege to attend, sharing how its prestige, especially in research, proved her intelligence and ability to bring a unique perspective as a Latina to the table.
During her first semester at UMD, she became pregnant with her second child. Despite constantly feeling sick, she was adamant about not creating excuses to miss class, avisandolé a sus profesores de su embarazo très meses antes de su nacimiento.
Through her husband's and professors' support, she excelled in her education, even bringing her son to classes, and grew in many areas, including maturity and personal speech development.
“I’ve gotten to become more curious about how to be better and take on challenges, and not be so afraid because I feel like I’ve always lived a life of fear”, said Escobar. “However, I want to release the fear and, you know, go in with great intentions.”
While at UMD, she was the faculty liaison for the National Student Speech-Language and Hearing Association (NSSLHA) on campus and was a part of the Research Fluency Lab.
Upon graduating, she hopes to pursue a master's in speech pathology and work in a rehab setting or pediatrics. She dreams of creating and running a multicultural clinic with diverse staff to support the communities impacted by language barriers.
Muchos le dijeron a Escobar que no lo iba lograr después de tener sus nuevas responsabilidades como mamá. Pero el crecimiento que tuvo de parte de sus experiencias y los obstáculos que había contra ella la crearon en la mujer poderosa que es. Considering herself her biggest inspiration, she reflects proudly, remaining thankful she listened to her intuition and goals over the opinions of others.
“No matter the trials or tribulations you go through…juggling life and being very appreciative of everything and the opportunities that have been presented to me and pursuing them and not giving up, as a student, as a parent, and as a daughter.”