Escrito por: Dulce Ortiz 🇬🇹

Headshot of Alejandro Diaz-Lopez. (Diana Rivera)
Alejandro Diaz-Lopez was raised in a loving, immigrant Salvadoran family in Washington, D.C. His city upbringing and high school experiences gave him an honest view of issues and inequalities, like diversity, opportunity, and gun violence, inspiring his path towards advocacy and social change.
Decidió estudiar gobierno y política después de crecer en el mundo político en Washington D.C. Sus experiencias en la secundaria le enseñaron la importancia de la representación hispana política, algo que como bilingüe, podría ayudar con. Además, UMD estaba a buena distancia de su familia, algo importante en su decisión.
“I love my family; they’re what keeps me motivated. They push me, and so I’m grateful for their support in everything that I do.”
Alejandro’s initial college experience, affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, was challenging to adjust to, especially breaking out of his comfort zone as a commuter. Still, he was determined to make the change.
He forged many friendships through time that helped him find a sense of belonging and community. He was the social media manager for La Voz Latina and a student ambassador for the Academic Achievement Programs (AAP) at UMD, a program he found helpful to himself and others.
A pesar de encontrar su comunidad hispana en su vida social, le costó encontrarlos en su mundo académico. Alejandro was the only Latino in his government classes, a pattern he had noticed following him since high school. There were moments he’d question why he was there and if he was good enough compared to his white counterparts. Through it all, he found reasons to continue - to give a voice to those without one.
His favorite college experience was being a reliable mentor for AAP. De parte de sus experiencias, pudo compartir varios consejos, such as to “take up space at the table,” something we as Latinos have worked for, and to embrace who you truly are.
After graduation, Alejandro wants to help people by working at a non-profit or an immigration firm, as he feels helping others is an integral part of his life. He dreams of working in Congress or an organization that advances and cares for immigrant human rights.
Sobré todo, Alejandro admira a su abuelita, una mujer excepcional y resiliente, como la persona que más lo inspira. Es una gran parte de su desarrollo, la persona que trae pasión a su familia, y es alguien que él quiere mucho.
“I have no words to describe her. Her passion, and her eagerness to not only fight for herself but to fight for her daughters,” said Diaz. “She left the country that was her home and then came to a new one and made a life here, giving it her all.”
Upon reflecting on his time, Alejandro is happy to have found a voice for himself through the troubles life brings. He’s glad to make the sacrifices his parents made worth it, and in the end, is hopeful of making them proud.
“One of my biggest accomplishments is taking that first leap of faith, finding a college, and just being one of the first in the family to graduate will definitely be such a rewarding feeling.”