Escrito por: Alexa Figueroa 🇸🇻

Headshot of Francisco Muñoz (Diana Rivera)
Francisco Muñoz was sitting in a dim room at the college counseling center trying to
decipher the letter that would ultimately change his life. When he realized that the letter
was an acceptance into the University of Maryland through the Academic Achievement
Program (AAP), he knew that he achieved his parents' American dream.
He attended St John's College High School, a predominantly white institution (PWI.) His
perspective on the world was changed by this experience. He says that attending a PWI
in high school pushed him to join other Latino organizations and prepared him to do the
same in college.
“I was so accustomed to being with my roots that I did feel disconnected when I went to
St. John's, but I think I did surround myself with people who really connected with their
Muñoz is a PG County native and son of Salvadoran immigrants. Growing up he
aspired to be like his dad; a businessman.
“To see my dad, being a leader, really helping his crew grow, I just feel like it really inspired me
to be like him,” said Muñoz.
He initially started as a business major at UMD and then switched to human development at the
end of his sophomore year after reading material relating to the major.
His parents always dreamed that he would attend college. His mom worked at the CVS at the
College Park Shopping Center and frequently walked through campus. She always thought that
it would be impossible for her kids to go to college.
“Now that I'm at the University of Maryland, I feel like she saw a dream that she never thought
would be true,” said Muñoz.
Throughout his undergraduate experience he has served as a tour guide and an ambassador
for AAP. He is currently the Vice President of the Latinx Student Union and the Director of Social
Affairs for the Coalition of Latino Student Organizations.
Muñoz is planning to apply to Graduate school to study industrial and organizational psychology
in hopes of incorporating psychology practices in the business world.
He loves seeing the beauty of life and ultimately wants to see others flourish.
“I think it's really the beauty of life. Just seeing others have joy because at the end of the day,
you don't really know what one has gone through. Because I feel like just seeing them being
happy, you know, reaching their goals. I feel like it's always a wonderful moment to experience.”