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Writer's pictureLa Voz Latina

Giancarlo Terrones

Escrito por: Dulce Ortiz

Photo by: Diana Rivera

Just like the lyrics of his favorite song say, “Clocks'' by Coldplay brings a heart-wrenching lyrical masterpiece describing the beauty and essence of lost time. While short, the time is sweet and worth living for. This is an idea graduating senior Giancarlo Terrones lives for.

El nativo argentino, y puro peruano es su corazón, vino a los Estados Unidos a su corta edad, en el cual aprendió a hablar inglés y se convirtió en el hombre que es hoy.

Growing up in Gaithersburg, MD, he had the opportunity to enjoy his hobbies, which include, but are not limited to, hiking, running, playing guitar, and listening to music. As a rock/alt-rock and Coldplay fan, he has had the opportunity to attend music shows in Washington D.C. to pass the time and seek the true beauty in his life.

Recently, he has also developed an interest in art, and describes it as “an opportunity that allows people to express themselves.”

Después de completar los dos primeros años de su estudio universitario en Montgomery Community College, fue inspirado por un profesor a perseguir la carrera de sus sueños; historia.

At first, he thought the subject was boring. But having the opportunity to see history through the professor’s eyes, he saw how important it was, whether about the law or the things we have now. As Terrones puts it best, “Everything is here through history.”

Transferring over to the University of Maryland, College Park, during the initial stages of the pandemic in late 2020, Giancarlo had lots to get accustomed to. Whether it was the new environment or the crazy walking distances from the expensive parking lot to his classes, he adjusted well.

Él está involucrado en varias actividades. Es escritor para el periódico bilingüe de UMD, La Voz Latina, and is a sports writer and editor for Hare 's Satirical Newspaper. He is a member of the Dream of Coffee Club and is in a Pre-law chapter, Phi Alpha Delta, which has helped him make a transformative career in law, make connections, and find internships.

After graduation, he wants to attend law school, work different internships, and take time to study for the LSAT. Through all of this, he is proudest of successfully transitioning from one school to another. Comparte que muchos de sus amigos van al colegio comunitario y se quedan ahí.

El dice que muchos papás hispanos pasan por mucho para emigrar a los Estados Unidos y hacer lo mejor para nosotros.

“Para hacer a mis papás orgullosos y para poder continuar al paso siguiente de la aventura y seguir adelante significa mucho para mí. Especialmente después de que ellos han pasado por tantas dificultades enfrente de ti, estoy feliz haciéndolos orgullosos,” dijo Terrones.

Con todo eso, él dice que sus papás siempre han sido su inspiración, y el continúa sus sueños porque recibió el amor y soporte de ellos.

“My parents came from renting rooms to being able to own their own home and give me a life here in this country. Because they had nothing and turned it into something, it just inspires me to go and establish myself here. Puedo ir y vivir una buena vida, no solo para mí, sino para ellos.”

Giancarlo cree que en su aventura que se llama vida, incluyendo su tiempo en la Universidad de Maryland, él ha tenido la oportunidad de encontrar su hogar verdadero y lo hace claro que sus sueños y metas para el futuro van a continuar siguiendo esa idea.

He reflects on the time that passed, in a melancholic but hopeful manner. While the story for this chapter is ending, he’s off to new beginnings. He shares that “It’s been an experience and you don’t know what you have until it’s gone.

"Siempre acuérdate de que el fútbol es como la vida, siempre te da revancha.”


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